MINDS Newsletter is a monthly newsletter launched in July 2011 on mental health related issues in its simplest format for doctors and medical students. The objective of MINDS to increase awareness and develop a favorable attitude towards mental health issue among medical students. MINDS provide a common platform to psychiatrist, other medical specialities, medical undergraduates and postgraduates. MINDS also provide space to various entertaining and creative sections such as crosswords, MCQs, paintings, book review and movie reviews.

MINDS encourage participation of medical students by involving them in various activities like designing, editing and reviewing activities, imparting leadership qualities in medical students. A student editor selected time to time to coordinate medical student and contributes crosswords, MCQs, facts and other creative contents from medical students.

MINDS is completely free, without any submission, processing and subscription charge. Any one can subscribe to mind to get regular updates and monthly free copy. The MINDS widely available on various social platform like Facebook, Instagram and twitter.

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—–MINDS Team