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Volume 2 Issue 2 February, 2012

❌ Anorexia nervosa is seen only in young women.

✅ Anorexia nervosa seen also in men but rare.

❌ Anorexia nervosa is an anxiety disorder.

✅ Anorexia nervosa is not anxiety disorder. It is classified under behavioural syndrome associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors according to WHO ICD 10.

❌ Anorexia nervosa is seen only western countries.

✅ It is seen across the world and cause is considered to be interaction of biological and sociocultural factors .

❌ Anorexia nervosa is self limiting condition in particular age groups.

✅ It is not self limiting. Condition needs to be treated although it occurs mostly in adolescent girls and young women but rarely boys and men, children approaching puberty and older women up to menopause have reported. Considerable number of patients have chronic form.

❌ Anorexia nervosa is associated only with psychological symptoms.

✅ Disorder is associated with under nutrition, secondary endocrine and metabolic changes, also disturbances of bodily functions.

❌ Anorexia nervosa cannot be treated.

✅ It can be treated. Management involves restoring patients’ nutrition status; dehydration, starvation, and electrolyte imbalances. Cognitive behavioral therapy & medications for co-morbid conditions.

Definite diagnosis of Anorexia nervosa is based on Body weight which is at least 15% below expected and is self induced by vomiting, purging etc, with body-image distortion wherein overvalued idea of ‘fatness ‘ & endocrine disturbances. If onset is prepubertal, the sequence of pubertal events are delayed or arrested.

By Ms.Gowthami Chowdary Ravuri, 9th Term Student AIMS