All submission to be addressed to Editor. The submissions to be mailed
at or through online submission form

MINDS Newsletter has following consistent item to showcase

  1. Editorial and guest editorial
  2. Down the memory lane section
  3. Transcultural/ consultation/ medical psychiatry section
  4. Invited article/ student article section
  5. MINDS Quizzes
  6. Crosswords

General Guidelines:
All submission to be addressed to Editor. The submissions to be mailed
at or through online submission form

N.B : Kindly include a Covering letter (that includes – Type of article, Title of the article, list of Contributors (if any) , author’s details i.e. Name, designation, Organization, E-mail, Contact number, a photo (mandatory), kindly provide acknowledgement (if any), funding (if any), Ethical statement and conflict of interest (If any).

Plagiarism Note: Articles will be checked for plagiarism. Only Articles below 10% Similarity Score shall be accepted for Peer-Review.

Publication Fees: There are no Submission or Acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to the Newsletter.

Referencing style: Vancouver Style Referencing
References are listed in numerical order, and in the same order in which they are cited in text. The reference list appears at the end of the paper.
• Begin your reference list on a new page and title it ‘References’.
• The reference list should include all and only those references you have cited in the text. (However, do not include unpublished items such as correspondence.)
• Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
• Check the reference details against the actual source – you are indicating that you have read a source when you cite it.
• Be consistent with your referencing style across the document

  1. Down the memory lane:

This section dedicated to a space for sharing experiences, reflection by the senior’s person (professor/additional professor/ more that ten years of working experience) in medical community or otherwise, who can share their experiences to inspire the young medical students and teachers


  • An experience, incident or reflection of part which is worth sharing with medical community
  • A topic of interest to the medical profession 
  • It should appeal to medical students (undergraduates and postgraduates) as well as Doctors 
  • You are good up to 500-800 words 
  • It can be free writeup in understandable language, citation (Vancouver) can be provided if needed. 
  • Article will be checked for grammatical correction.
  • Final decision reserved with editor only

2. Invited Article:


  • A topic of interest to the medical profession 
  • It should appeal to medical students (undergraduates and postgraduates) as well as Doctors 
  • You are good up to 500-800 words 
  • It can be free writeup in understandable language, citation (Vancouver) can be provided if needed. 
  • Article will go through peer review and can be edited. 
  • Final decision reserved with editor only

3. Transcultural psychiatry section


  • A topic of interest to the medical profession 
  • It should appeal to medical students (undergraduates and postgraduates) as well as Doctors 
  • You are good up to 500-800 words 
  • It can be free writeup in understandable language, citation (Vancouver) can be provided if needed. 
  • Article will go through peer review and can be edited. 
  • Final decision reserved with editor only

4. MINDS also includes following

  1. Movie review: A movie or documentary review based on human behaviour, psychological and psychiatric condition can be reviewed under this section. world limit: 400 words
  2. Book review: A book based on human psychology and psychiatry can be reviewed under this section. word limit: 400 words

Please submit to

*Contributors are assume to transfer rights to the MINDS by submitting article/pictures/or any other content.