Down the memory Lane

Guest Column: Down The Memory Lane…

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Volume 3 Issue 3 March, 2013

Remember, patients do need a break!!!

One of the important aspects in the assessment of higher mental function & mental status examination is to know about abstract thinking of an individual by asking him meaning of a proverb. Once we were discussing a case in the unit. The consultant after listening to the presentation by the resident got the patient for interview. We residents were free to ask questions to the patient directly to elicit psychopathology. As I remember today, almost every resident bombarded him with questions, relevant and irrelevant. During the process one could see that the patient was getting restless. Then one resident, wanting to test his ability for abstraction, asked him to interpret the proverb “Too many cooks spoil the broth.” No sooner the question was put the patient retorted: “That is what all of you are doing here now”. No need to say all went silent and the interview was over.

Lesson: Even though it is very important process in learning to constantly interact with patient, we should remember they may need a break!!

Dr. Shripathy M Bhat is senior a psychiatrist and professor at KMC Manipal.
He is well known for his wit and sense of humour.