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Volume 7 Issue 2 February, 2017

1. A young male presented with intense nervousness at places like cinema hall thinking that he would get urgency to go to toilet and gets embarrassed for disturbing others by blocking their view while he walk out repeatedly. What is the likely diagnosis

a. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome b. Claustrophobia c. Agoraphobia d. Panic Disorder

2. Which of these drugs is known to have its primary action through sigma (σ) receptors?

a. Escitalopram b. Tianeptine c. Buspirone d. Opipramol

3. All except one is not a part of triad of delirium

a. Extensor Plantar Reflex b. Reversal of Sleep Wake Cycle
c. Disorientation d. Imapired attention span

4. All of these are Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors except?

a. NMDA b. AMPA c. Kainate d. GIRK

5. Concept of Social Learning Theory is given by

a. Pierre Janet b. Albert Bandura c. Jean Piaget d. Erik Erikson


  1. c
  2. d
  3. a
  4. d
  5. b